As we enter the doors of Grace Church, we are reminded that we are the beneficiaries of the legacy of giving by those who have gone before us. Remembering Grace Episcopal Church in your will or estate planning is an opportunity to continue supporting the Church, well beyond our living years. We invite you to consider making a financial commitment and arrangements for leaving special gifts to our beloved Grace Episcopal Church.
There are a number of ways you may consider making a gift. Some examples are described below:
- As part of your estate planning, include the Church in your will or living trust
- Use estate and non-cash assets in a tax wise way that provides life-long income and makes a difference at Grace Episcopal Church
- Make a cash donation to one of the Church Funds below
Grace Church Endowment Funds
There are two Grace Church-administered funds established by the Vestry for receiving legacy donations:
The Capital Improvements Funds is designated for significant repairs and improvements to the church buildings.
The Tuttle Fund is an endowment fund that can be used for many purposes, subject to certain restrictions and approvals by the Vestry and in some cases, by the parish. If Grace Episcopal Church is named as the beneficiary, the gift will be allocated as follows:
40% to the Capital Improvements Fund
60% to the Tuttle Fund
The Grace Church Vestry established another endowment fund administered by The Hartford Foundation for Public Giving (HFPG):
The Grace Episcopal Church Restricted Fund was established so that contributions to this fund are added to the principal and held as principal in balanced growth investments at the HFPG. Grace Episcopal Church receives an annual disbursement based on earnings over time.
There are many options for specifying legacy donations for Grace Episcopal Church in your will. Gifts by will have become an integral part of the philanthropic tradition because they enable you to make significant contributions that might not have been possible during your lifetime.
You may:
- Specify your bequest be made to any one fund above, or a combination
- Wish to express your bequest as a percentage of your estate rather than as a specific dollar amount. A percentage bequest is an excellent method of protecting your beneficiaries against a possible reduction in the size of your estate.
- Choose to leave a fixed dollar amount as your gift.
- Decide to name securities, life insurance, IRA distributions or trusts as the form of your donation.
Members of the Planned Giving Committee are more than happy to provide you with further information about the funds and gift giving opportunities. Their contact information can be found in the Church Directory.
- Michelle Carpenter
- Sam Hinckley
- Linda Rickard
- Katrina Woodhouse
- Larry Young
Professional Consultation for Tax Benefits of Gifting: We strongly suggest that you consult your financial/tax advisors, and estate attorney regarding any donation to Grace Episcopal Church or to the Grace Church Restricted Fund at the HFPG.